Obake ‑ WhatsApp Button (Shopify App) Privacy Policy

The Japanese version of the privacy policy takes precedence over the English version. The English version is a translation of the Japanese version's content by AI for reference purposes. To refer to the Japanese version of the privacy policy, please click here. It is based on the laws regarding personal information protection in Japan and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Nagi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company") establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of personal information obtained by the Company in connection with the services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "this Service") and strives to protect personal information. This Policy applies to the personal information of users of this Service (if the user is a corporation, it refers to its officers and employees; hereinafter referred to as "the User") as well as all personal information obtained by the Company in connection with inquiries regarding this Service.

This Service is a service linked to the e-commerce site service "Shopify" provided by Shopify Inc. or its affiliates (collectively referred to as "Shopify Inc.") and is provided through the application provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "this App") or the website operated by the Company (https://apps.shopify.com/sns-link-button) (hereinafter referred to as "this Site").

The meanings of the terms used in this Policy follow the definitions set forth in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Personal Information Protection Act").

Article 1 (Proper Acquisition of Personal Information)

1. The Company will acquire personal information properly and will not acquire it by falsehood or other illegal means.
2. The information that the Company acquires in providing this Service is as follows:
(1) Registration information provided directly by the User in accordance with the "Terms of Use" separately established by the Company when providing this Service.
(2) Information automatically acquired from the User's device when using this Service:
- Cookie ID, IP address, and other online identifiers
- Usage history of this App and this Site (access date and time, click history, operation history, etc.)
- Information regarding the User's device (language settings, type and version of OS and browser, etc.)
(3) Information obtained from Shopify Inc.
The Company will obtain personal data from Shopify Inc. only if the individual has individually granted permission for simplification of registration procedures, etc., within the scope of the granted permission.
3. Information obtained from publicly available sources:
- Profile information (personal name, corporate name, phone number, email address, etc.)
4. External payment services will be used for payments within this Service. Payment information such as credit card information entered by the User will be sent directly to the payment service, and the Company will not acquire it.

Article 2 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

1. The Company will clearly specify the purpose of use of personal information and will not handle personal information for purposes other than the specified purpose. The Company will also take appropriate measures to ensure that personal information is not handled beyond the specified purpose. However, if consent is obtained from the individual or if permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company may handle personal information beyond the specified purpose.
2. The Company will use personal information for the following purposes:
(1) To ensure the smooth provision of this Service
(2) To respond to inquiries and provide information regarding this Service
3. To provide information about the Company's products and services, etc.
4. To respond to acts that violate the Company's terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") related to this Service
5. To improve this Service and develop new services, etc.
6. To create statistical data processed in a form that cannot identify individuals in relation to this Service
7. For other purposes individually notified to the individual by the Company
8. For other purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

Article 3 (Safety Management of Personal Data)

The Company will take necessary and appropriate supervision of its employees to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and will implement appropriate and reasonable safety measures for the safe management of personal data. In addition, if the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal data to a third party, it will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision in accordance with this Policy for the safe management of personal data at the entrusted party. The Company will also take appropriate corrective measures against any incidents of leakage, loss, damage, or other accidents related to personal data. If you would like to know about the safety management measures the Company has implemented, please contact the Company through the contact information provided in Article 10.

Article 4 (Retention Period of Personal Data)

The principal retention period for personal data acquired by the Company is during the existence of the User's account and for 60 days after the account is deleted due to withdrawal, etc. Personal data will be promptly and safely deleted after this period unless it is necessary to retain it in connection with the performance of the contract or other processing purposes.

Article 5 (Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties)

1. The Company will not provide personal data to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual, except in the following cases:
(1) When the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
(2) When providing personal data due to business succession due to merger or other reasons
(3) When requested to provide personal data by a court, administrative agency, supervisory authority, or other public institution, and there is no reasonable reason to refuse the provision
(4) When the Company determines that it is necessary to provide personal data to protect the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the Company, other users of this Service, or third parties
(5) In other cases where the provision of personal data without the individual's consent is permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act
2. The Company may entrust all or part of the handling of personal data to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, the Company will thoroughly examine the eligibility of the entrusted party and stipulate matters related to the handling of personal data in the contract with the entrusted party, ensuring that personal data is properly managed.

Article 6 (Requests for Disclosure, etc.)

1. Individuals may request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties regarding personal data held by the Company in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as "Requests for Disclosure, etc."). When the Company receives a Request for Disclosure, etc. from an individual, it will confirm that the request is from the individual and will respond without delay in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. The outline of Requests for Disclosure, etc. is as follows:
- Request for Disclosure
Individuals may request the Company to disclose personal data and records regarding the provision of personal data to third parties by providing them in writing or in electronic records.
- Request for Correction, etc.
Individuals may request correction, addition, or deletion if the content of personal data is not factual.
- Request for Suspension of Use, etc.
Individuals may request the suspension of use or erasure of personal data if it is being used outside the scope of the purpose of use or if the Company no longer needs to use the personal data.
- Request for Suspension of Provision to Third Parties
Individuals may request the suspension of provision of personal data to third parties if it has been provided in violation of the Personal Information Protection Act.
2. Individuals wishing to make a Request for Disclosure, etc. must submit the "Request for Disclosure, etc." form designated by the Company by mail. Those who need the Request for Disclosure, etc. form should send a postcard or letter stating (1) that they wish to receive the Request for Disclosure, etc. form, (2) their name, and (3) the address to which the Request for Disclosure, etc. form should be sent to the contact information provided in Article 10. After receiving this postcard or letter, the Company will send the Request for Disclosure, etc. form and "Instructions" to the designated address. Individuals wishing to make a Request for Disclosure, etc. should fill out the necessary items in the Request for Disclosure, etc. form and send it to the Company.
3. Fees for Requests for Disclosure, etc. and payment method
1,000 yen (including tax) for each application

Article 7 (Use of Cookies)

This Service uses cookies. Cookies are small files stored on the device of visitors to this Site, used by the server to exchange information with the internet browser being used when accessing this Site and this App. By using cookies, the browser of those who access this Service can be identified, and data such as browsing history can be collected and accumulated for each browser.

If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so by changing the settings of your web browser. However, disabling cookies may prevent you from using some features of this Service.

The Company uses Google Analytics as one of the analysis tools utilizing cookies. For information on how the information collected by Google Analytics is handled, please refer to the content published by Google.

Article 8 (Disclaimer and Caution)

If you use this Service with a web browser that does not support SSL, there is a high risk that information may be viewed or stolen by third parties outside the Company's control during the information transmission process to the Company, so please refrain from using it. In the event that damage occurs to the individual or a third party due to improper acts by hackers despite the Company's security measures, the Company will not be liable, so please understand.

Article 9 (Continuous Improvement and Changes to this Policy)

1. The Company will review the operational status of the handling of personal information as necessary and strive for continuous improvement.
2. The Company may change this Policy as necessary to respond to changes in the handling of personal information or amendments to laws and regulations. When changing this Policy, the Company will notify users of the changes by posting a notice within this Service or by notifying the registered email address. Please be sure to check the latest version of this Policy before accessing this website or using the Company's services.

Article 10 (Contact Information)

For requests regarding Requests for Disclosure, etc., opinions, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following:
3F Nishi-Shinjuku Toyokuni Building, 2-5-8 Hatsudai, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Nagi Co., Ltd.
E-mail: appreview@nagi.tv

These privacy policy will be effective from December 1, 2024.